- Chris Li being thrown in tachi-dori by Gerald Okada
- Merry Christmas 2016 from the Aikido Sangenkai
- HIdetaki Kurawaki at the Windward Aikido Club
- Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu Arrives in Honolulu
- Chris Li and Frank Hreha at the Chicago Aikikai
- With Glenn Yoshida, 2007
- Aikido Hasegawa Dojo 2003
- Hasegawa Dojo at Iwama Taisai 2003
- Henry Sim - Bronze Statue
- The Aikido Ohana Spring Gasshuku
- Mariko Takamizo Sensei in Honolulu Hawaii
- Happy New Year 2014 from the Aikido Sangenkai!
- Happy New Year 2015 from the Aikido Sangenkai!
- Happy New Year 2016 from the Aikido Sangenkai
- Happy New Year of the Dog 2018 from the Aikido Sangenkai