- Chris Li being thrown in tachi-dori by Gerald Okada
Originally taken for the Aikido Ohana calendar by Ric Noyle in Honolulu Hawaii
- Merry Christmas 2016 from the Aikido Sangenkai
Merry Christmas - Mele Kalikimaka - メリー・クリスマス! Merry Christmas 2016 from the Aikido Sangenkai - HIdetaki Kurawaki at the Windward Aikido Club
HIdetaki Kurawaki came back from Japan for his annual December visit to the Windward Aikido Club. Left to right - Bob Kinzie, Ed Santos, Hidetaki Kurawaki, Chris Li, Hiroshi Kato - Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu Arrives in Honolulu
Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu and Mitsuteru Ueshiba Waka Sensei arrive in Honolulu for Aikido Celebration 2011 - the 50th anniversary of Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei's 1961 visit to Hawaii. February 18th 2011
- Chris Li and Frank Hreha at the Chicago Aikikai
Chris Li taking ukemi for Frank Hreha Sensei at the Chicago Aikikai grand opening. From Aikido Today magazine Vol 3, No. 2 Summer 1989 (10th Issue).
- With Glenn Yoshida, 2007
Chris Li and Glenn Yoshida (Aikido Renshinkan) at the Aikido Ohana summer gasshuku at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe on Oahu, Hawaii.
- Aikido Hasegawa Dojo 2003
At Aikido Hasegawa Dojo in Asaka-shi, Saitama Japan with Hiroyuki Hasegawa Sensei
- Hasegawa Dojo at Iwama Taisai 2003
Chris Li with the Hasegawa Dojo group at the Iwama Taisai in 2003. Hasegawa Hiroyuki Sensei with Yasuo Kobayashi Sensei and Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu.
- Henry Sim - Bronze Statue
Bronze Statue - the Man, the Myth :) - The Aikido Ohana Spring Gasshuku
The Aikido Ohana spring gasshuku at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe, Hawaii on the island of Oahu. Chris Li on the far left.
- Mariko Takamizo Sensei in Honolulu Hawaii
Chris Li taking ukemi for Mariko Takamizo Sensei from Aikikai Hombu Dojo at Hongwanji Mission School in Honolulu Hawaii
- Happy New Year 2014 from the Aikido Sangenkai!
- Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
-- Happy New Year
---- 明けましておめでとうございます
Happy New Year 2014 - Thank you all for your help and support over the last year, and looking forward to training with you in the coming year. No horsing around now! :) - Happy New Year 2015 from the Aikido Sangenkai!
- Hau'oli Makahiki Hou -- Happy New Year ---- 明けましておめでとうございます Happy New Year 2015 - Thank you all for your help and support over the last year, and looking forward to training with you in the coming year. - Happy New Year 2016 from the Aikido Sangenkai
Happy New Year 2016 - the Year of the Monkey! Had a great time training with everybody in 2015 - and here's hoping that even more of us get to train together in the coming year. Can you spot the monkey? :) - Happy New Year of the Dog 2018 from the Aikido Sangenkai
Thank you all for your help and support over the last year. 2017 was a great year of training, and we’re looking forward to even more great training with you all in the coming year! See: https://www.aikidosangenkai.org/blog/happy-new-year-of-the-dog-2018-from-the-aikido-sangenkai/