- Kami Shirataki Shrine
Names of contributors to the construction of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine (1913). Note the name "Morihei Ueshiba".
It's not that clear from the picture, but all of the other names have place names in addition to the person's name. In addition, there are no contributions from Shirataki or Kami-Shirataki. It appears that this is because Morihei Ueshiba was acting as representative for those two districts. - Kami Shirataki Shrine
Front view of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine. - Kami Shirataki Shrine
The inside of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine. Note the crest of Susanoo-no-mikoto, one of the guardian deities of Morihei Ueshiba.
"Aiki is the name of the sword wielded by the Great Diety Susanoo." (from "Take Musu Aiki") - Kami Shirataki Shrine
Outside view of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine.