Welcome to the Aikido Sangenkai Gallery

This is the gallery for the Aikido Sangenkai dojo in Kawasaki, Japan - www.aikidosangenkai.org The Aikido Sangenkai is a non-profit Aikido group affiliated with the Sangenkai.

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Hiroshi gets ready.

kona-hawaii-bill-gleason-2014-57.jpg Bill Gleason InstructionThumbnailsBill Gleason InstructionThumbnailsBill Gleason InstructionThumbnailsBill Gleason InstructionThumbnailsBill Gleason InstructionThumbnailsBill Gleason InstructionThumbnailsBill Gleason InstructionThumbnails

Hiroshi Kato getting ready for day 2 of Bill Gleason's Aikido seminar in Kona, Hawaii. In the lobby of the Kona Seaside Hotel before 6:30am weapons class.