Welcome to the Aikido Sangenkai Gallery

This is the gallery for the Aikido Sangenkai dojo in Kawasaki, Japan - www.aikidosangenkai.org The Aikido Sangenkai is a non-profit Aikido group affiliated with the Sangenkai.

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Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu Arrives in Honolulu

doshu-honolulu-february-2011.jpg Dan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi PondDan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi PondDan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi PondDan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi PondDan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi PondDan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi PondDan Harden and Wade Turner by Greg SocitoThumbnailsI Liq Chuan at the East West Center Koi Pond

Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu and Mitsuteru Ueshiba Waka Sensei arrive in Honolulu for Aikido Celebration 2011 - the 50th anniversary of Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei's 1961 visit to Hawaii. February 18th 2011