Welcome to the Aikido Sangenkai Gallery

This is the gallery for the Aikido Sangenkai dojo in Kawasaki, Japan - www.aikidosangenkai.org The Aikido Sangenkai is a non-profit Aikido group affiliated with the Sangenkai.

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Kami Shirataki Shrine

kami-shirataki-inside.png Kami Shirataki ShrineThumbnailsKami Shirataki ShrineKami Shirataki ShrineThumbnailsKami Shirataki ShrineKami Shirataki ShrineThumbnailsKami Shirataki ShrineKami Shirataki ShrineThumbnailsKami Shirataki Shrine

The inside of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine. Note the crest of Susanoo-no-mikoto, one of the guardian deities of Morihei Ueshiba. 

"Aiki is the name of the sword wielded by the Great Diety Susanoo." (from "Take Musu Aiki")