- Chris Li and Frank Hreha at the Chicago Aikikai
Chris Li taking ukemi for Frank Hreha Sensei at the Chicago Aikikai grand opening. From Aikido Today magazine Vol 3, No. 2 Summer 1989 (10th Issue).
- Frantz and Heraldo by Greg Socito
Frantz Martinache and Herald Farrington from Aikido of Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Photo courtesy of Greg Socito.
From the "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- Dan Harden, Henry Sim and Jason Kuhia
Photo courtesy of Greg Socito.
From the "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- Bill Gleason Throws Dan Harden in Hawaii
Dan Harden taking ukemi for Bill Gleason at the Windward Aikido Club dojo in Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Photo courtesy of Greg Socito.
From the "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice Flyer
Cover flyer for the joint workshop in Hawaii with Bill Gleason, 7th Dan Aikikai, and internationally known internal martial arts instructor Dan Harden.
- With Glenn Yoshida, 2007
Chris Li and Glenn Yoshida (Aikido Renshinkan) at the Aikido Ohana summer gasshuku at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe on Oahu, Hawaii.
- Aikido Hasegawa Dojo 2003
At Aikido Hasegawa Dojo in Asaka-shi, Saitama Japan with Hiroyuki Hasegawa Sensei
- Hasegawa Dojo at Iwama Taisai 2003
Chris Li with the Hasegawa Dojo group at the Iwama Taisai in 2003. Hasegawa Hiroyuki Sensei with Yasuo Kobayashi Sensei and Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu.
- Dan, Chris and Heraldo by Greg Socito
Dan Harden and Chris Li with Heraldo Farrington from Aikido of Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Photo courtesy of Greg Socito.
From the "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- The Aikido Ohana Spring Gasshuku
The Aikido Ohana spring gasshuku at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe, Hawaii on the island of Oahu. Chris Li on the far left.
- Iwama Aiki Shuren Dojo is completed
From "Ueshiba Morihei Monogatari". The Iwama Aiki Shuren Dojo is completed in Showa year 20 (1945), shortly before the end of World War II.
- Jigoro Kano visits Morihei Ueshiba
From "Ueshiba Morihei Monogatari". Judo Founder Jigoro Kano come to meet Morihei Ueshiba.
- Kami Shirataki Shrine
Names of contributors to the construction of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine (1913). Note the name "Morihei Ueshiba".
It's not that clear from the picture, but all of the other names have place names in addition to the person's name. In addition, there are no contributions from Shirataki or Kami-Shirataki. It appears that this is because Morihei Ueshiba was acting as representative for those two districts. - Kami Shirataki Shrine
Front view of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine. - Kami Shirataki Shrine
The inside of the Kami-Shirataki Shrine. Note the crest of Susanoo-no-mikoto, one of the guardian deities of Morihei Ueshiba.
"Aiki is the name of the sword wielded by the Great Diety Susanoo." (from "Take Musu Aiki")