- Dan and Scott - Aiki-age
Dan Harden demonstrates Aiki-age (Kokyu-ho) with Scott Burke, from Fukuoka Japan - Dan and George
Dan Harden demonstrating with George Higbee - Mert and Val
Mert Gambito and Val Pires - Wade and Becky
Wade Turner and Becky Sim - Robert and Joy
Robert Roesser, from Kodokan Aikido in Portland Oregon, with Joy Kinzie - Henry and Carrie
Henry Sim and Carrie Wakai - Dan and Steve
Dan Harden and Steve Seymour, from Aikido Sydney - Day 2 of the Oahu Workshop
Dan Harden with Steve Seymour of Aikido Sydney at Day 2 of the Oahu workshop. - Dan and Ed Santos
Dan Harden with Ed Santos, from Hawaii Betsuin Aikido Club, at Day 2 of the workshop - Oahu Workshop - Day 2
- Oahu Workshop Group
Oahu group for the December 2013 "Internal training, Aiki and Empowering Aikido" in Hawaii - Windward Aikido Club - Christmas 2013
Last class for 2013 and Christmas party at Windward Aikido Club - Wednesday, December 18th 2013. Hidetaka Kurawaki visiting from Japan.