- Andy Breton
Annual Kagami Biraki (鏡開き / "Opening the Mirror") ceremony at Windward Aikido Club in Kaneohe, Hawaii - Andy Breton - 2
Annual Kagami Biraki (鏡開き / "Opening the Mirror") ceremony at Windward Aikido Club in Kaneohe, Hawaii - Joy Kinzie
Annual Kagami Biraki (鏡開き / "Opening the Mirror") ceremony at Windward Aikido Club in Kaneohe, Hawaii - Joy Kinzie - 2
Annual Kagami Biraki (鏡開き / "Opening the Mirror") ceremony at Windward Aikido Club in Kaneohe, Hawaii - Bob Kinzie
Annual Kagami Biraki (鏡開き / "Opening the Mirror") ceremony at Windward Aikido Club in Kaneohe, Hawaii - Happy New Year 2014 from the Aikido Sangenkai!
- Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
-- Happy New Year
---- 明けましておめでとうございます
Happy New Year 2014 - Thank you all for your help and support over the last year, and looking forward to training with you in the coming year. No horsing around now! :)