- Bill Gleason and Frantz
Bill Gleason sensei with Frantz Martinache from Aikido of Hilo.
From the "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- Dan Harden and Rob Toonen
Dan Harden and Rob Toonen at the "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- Dan Harden
Dan Harden "Internal Power, Aiki and Aikido Principles and Practice" joint workshop with Bill Gleason and Dan Harden held in Hawaii in March 2013.
- Hanza Buki Sabaki
Hanza (half-seated) sabaki against buki (an armed opponent). - Hanza Jujutsu Sabaki
Hanza (half-seated) sabaki against jujutsu (a grappling opponent). - Hanza Kenpo Sabaki
Hanza (half-seated) sabaki against kenpo (a striking opponent). - Kodo Horikawa
Koro Horikawa, Founder of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Kodokai.
- Takuma Hisa
Takuma Hisa, Founder of the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takumakai. He was a student of both Morihei Ueshiba and Sokaku Takeda. Here he demonstrates "Aiki-Shibori". - Minoru Hirai
Minoru Hirai, Founder of Korindo Aikido. Hirai was instrumental in the Dai-Nippon Butokukai's selection of the name "Aikido". Each year he would give a demonstration at Meiji Jingu on Culture Day (November 3rd). - Minoru Mochizuki
Minoru Mochizuki, Founder of Yoseikan Aiki-Budo and the Yoseikan Dojo. The group photo is from a seminar at Neuchâtel Switzerland in 1951. - Morihei Ueshiba - Happo Bunshin
Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido. The portrait shows Morihei Ueshiba around 1930. Below that Morihei Ueshiba demonstrated Happo Bunshin at the Kobukan Dojo in Ushigome (Wakamatsu-vho) that opened in 1931. The technique he was showing was included in the Daito-ryu scrolls issued in that same year. - Sokaku Takeda's Emeiroku
Two pages from Sokaku Takeda's Emeiroku. The page on the right shows the awarding of Kyoju Dairi (Assistant Instructor) to Morihei Ueshiba in 1922. The page on the left is from 1931 and records that Sokaku Takeda taught Morihei Ueshiba the 84 Goshinyo-no-te techniques for 20 days at Ueshiba's home in Ushigome (now Wakamatsu-cho).
- Tsuruyama Kozui - Happo Bunshin
Tsuruyama Kozui demonstrates Happo Bunshin. This demonstration was performed for the French actor Jacques Lecoq at the request of the French Embassy in 1969. - Gozo Shioda
Gozo Shioda, Founder of Yoshinkan Aikido - Sokaku Takeda at the Asahi Shimbun Dojo
Sokaku Takeda demonstrating at the Asahi Dojo in 1939. Photo courtesy of Takuma Hisa.