Hiroshi Tada Sensei
43rd All Japan Aikido Demonstration (第43回全日本合氣道演武大会), May 28th 2005
The most influential person in the history of Japan
This is part 5 of the English translation of an interview in Japanese with Hiroshi Tada. You may want to read the previous sections first:
Part 1 : explore Tada Sensei’s samurai ancestry and his encounters with Shotokan Karate Founder Gichin Funakoshi.
Part 2 : find out how Hiroshi Tada met Shin-Shin Toitsu-Do Founder Tempu Nakamura.
Part 3: discover Tada Sensei’s thoughts on “telepathy” training.
Part 4: read Tada Sensei’s thoughts on Japanese Budo and Kata training.
You may also be interested in “The Day I Entered Ueshiba Dojo“, in which Hiroshi Tada recounts his first encounter with Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei.
You may notice that the tone of the interview is quite conversational. This is the way that it appears in the original Japanese – the original was not heavily edited, with the result being that the natural conversational tone was preserved. However, this also means that the discussion is sometimes less focused then a more heavily edited interview would be. (more…)