Tag: musashi

  • A Leap of the Spirit – Moritaka (Morihei) Ueshiba in 1932

    A Leap of the Spirit – Moritaka (Morihei) Ueshiba in 1932

    Kami no KeshinKami no Keshin” (“Embodiment of God” / 神の化身)
    Kanzou Miura (三浦関造) – Ryuo Library (竜王文庫), 1960

    Kanzou Miura was born in Fukuoka, Japan on July 15th 1883, just five months before Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei was born in Wakayama Prefecture.

    After graduation from Aoyama Gakuin’s Theological School he spent one year working as a Methodist minister in the southwest of Aomori Prefecture, in Hirosaki City. He became active in the Rikugo Zasshi (六合雑誌), a Christian magazine started in 1880 by the Tokyo YMCA, and went on to publish a large number of books and translations, including translations of works by Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. He also become interested in researching India’s first Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore.

    Rabindranath TagoreRabindranath Tagore in Tokyo, 1916
    seated, middle of the first row

    After the Second World War he organized the Ryuo-kai (Dragon King Society) and introduced theosophical teachings (including Alice Bailey and Agni Yoga) to Japan with his Synthesis Yoga practice (綜合ヨガ団体竜王会). He also translated “The Voice of the Silence” by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and a number of other works.

    Mokuroku issued by Moritaka UeshibaMokuroku (目録) issued by Moritaka Ueshiba in 1934
    Stamped “Aiki-jujutsu”
    From “Aikido Kaiso Ueshiba Morihei-den” (合気道開祖植芝盛平伝)

    What follows is a section of a book published in 1932 by the publishing company Nito Shoin (日東書院) called “The Spirit Leaps Forward – Emergence of the Superhuman” (心霊の飛躍 – 現出の超人”/ “Shinrei no Hiyaku – Genshutsu no Chojin”). In this excerpt from that work  Mr. Miura interviews Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba, who was then using the name Moritaka (守高). (more…)