Tag: aikikai

  • Aikido en het Onbekende [Dutch Version]

    Aikido en het Onbekende [Dutch Version]


    “Takemusu Aiki” by Morihei Ueshiba, edited by Hideo Takahashi

    *This is a Dutch translation of the article “Aikido and the Unknown – What don’t we know and why don’t we know it…“, courtesy of Ernesto Lemke of Seikokan Aikido.

    Wat we niet weten en waarom we het niet weten….

    Toen Sam Chin vorig jaar Hawaii bezocht vertelde hij ons (samengevat) dat het niet zo slecht is om niet te weten – zolang je maar weet dat je niet weet. Dat sloeg bij mij echt de juiste snaar– is dit niet waar het probleem daadwerkelijk begint?

    Toen ik met Aikido begon was er erg weinig informatie beschikbaar (in het Engels). Wat er wel voor handen was – zo weten we inmiddels- was een gekuiste versie. Hier is een goed voorbeeld van de Aikido Journal website en hier een ander van Meik Skoss op de Koryu.com website. Vergeleken met nu waren er veel minder buitenlanders die Japans spraken, laat staan dat zij de originele Japanse bronnen konden lezen. Daar kwam bij dat de meeste Japanners een min of meer uniforme versie van de geschiedenis en bijzonderheden van Aikido presenteerden.

    Tegenwoordig zijn er echter honderden boeken over Aikido beschikbaar in het Engels – en andere talen – dus wat is het probleem?  (more…)

  • Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada: The Budo Body, Part 6

    Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada: The Budo Body, Part 6


    Hiroshi Tada Sensei with Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu as Yoji Fujimoto receives promotion to 8th Dan
    Aikikai Hombu Dojo, Kagami Biraki 2010
    Fujimoto moved to Italy in 1970 to assist Tada in developing Aikido in Italy

    Never read books on archery. Never criticize another persons technique.

    This is part 6 of the English translation of an interview in Japanese with Hiroshi Tada. You may want to read the previous sections first:

    Part 1: explore Tada Sensei’s samurai ancestry and his encounters with Shotokan Karate Founder Gichin Funakoshi.

    Part 2: find out how Hiroshi Tada met Shin-Shin Toitsu-Do Founder Tempu Nakamura.

    Part 3: discover Tada Sensei’s thoughts on “telepathy” training.

    Part 4: read Tada Sensei’s thoughts on Japanese Budo and Kata training.

    Part 5: learn about the most influential person in the history of Japan, and their relationship to Japanese Budo.

    You may also be interested in “The Day I Entered Ueshiba Dojo“, in which Hiroshi Tada recounts his first encounter with Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei.

    You may notice that the tone of the interview is quite conversational. This is the way that it appears in the original Japanese – the original was not heavily edited, with the result being that the natural conversational tone was preserved. However, this also means that the discussion is sometimes less focused then a more heavily edited interview would be.  (more…)

  • Something’s Rank – Black Belts in Aikido

    Something’s Rank – Black Belts in Aikido

    Yoshimitsu Yamada Kauai

    Yoshimitsu Yamada in Kauai Hawaii, 1966

    What was Jigoro Kano thinking, anyway?

    The other day I was reading an interview with Yoshimitsu Yamada on the Aikido Sansuikai website. This passage happened to catch my attention:

    Well, the ranking system in aikido is another headache. I personally disagree with this system. A teaching certificate is okay, a black belt is okay. But after that, no numbers, no shodan, no nidan, etc. People know who is good and who is bad. The dan ranking system creates a competitive mind, because people judge others – “oh, he is sixth dan, but he is not good, this guy is much better…”

    Yamada has made similar statements before, I know, but it’s always interesting when the person responsible for handing out rank to a large number of people in several countries states publicly that he is himself opposed to the ranking system.  (more…)

  • Profiles of the Founder: Nobuyoshi Tamura, Part 2

    Profiles of the Founder: Nobuyoshi Tamura, Part 2

    Tamura, Ueshiba, Tohei in Hawaii

    Nobuyoshi Tamura with Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei and Koichi Tohei
    meeting Hawaii Governor William F. Quinn in 1961

    An interview with Aikido Shihan Nobuyoshi Tamura

    This article is Part 2 of the translation of an interview with Nobuyoshi Tamura which originally appeared in “Profiles of the Founder” (開祖の横顔), published in Japanese in 2009. See “Profiles of the Founder of Aikido: Nobuyoshi Tamura, Part 1” for Part 1 of the interview.

    When Tamura arrived in Hawaii as Morihei Ueshiba’s Otomo in 1961 he was immediatly nicknamed “the Stone Wall” because of his ability to remain immovable before the efforts of the local Hawaiian Aikido students.  (more…)

  • Profiles of the Founder of Aikido: Nobuyoshi Tamura, Part 1

    Profiles of the Founder of Aikido: Nobuyoshi Tamura, Part 1

    Nobuyoshi Tamura Hawaii

    from the brochure for the 1961 Aikido demonstration at McKinley High School in Honolulu Hawaii

    Nobuyoshi Tamura speaks about Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei

    Born in 1933, Nobuyoshi Tamura entered Aikikai Hombu Dojo as an uchi-deshi in 1953. He is frequently seen taking ukemi in post-war films of Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba. In 1961 he accompanied the Founder to Hawaii as his Otomo (attendant) for the dedication of the Honolulu Aiki Dojo. In 1964 he arrived in France, where he would be instrumental in the growth of Aikido throughout France and Europe. He passed away in July 2010, shortly after accepting an invitation to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of O-Sensei’s visit to Hawaii, which would be held in February 2011.

    “Profiles of the Founder” (開祖の横顔) was published in Japanese in 2009. Some of the content was previously introduced in the article “Morihei Ueshiba – Profiles of the Founder“. Also, some (but not all) of the quotations in the article “Aikido and the Unknown” came from “Profiles of the Founder”.

    What follows is part 1 of the translated text of the interview with Nobuyoshi Tamura from “Profiles of the Founder”.  (more…)