Tag: aikido

  • Aiki, Iki, Kokyu, Heng-Ha and Aun – Part 1

    Aiki, Iki, Kokyu, Heng-Ha and Aun – Part 1

    Kongo-rikishi Guardian Kings

    Kongo-rikishi statues at the gate of Horyuji Temple

    Some thoughts on breathing in Aikido training.

    The Kongo-rikishi statues that guard the gate to the inner sanctum of Horyuji Temple are the oldest in Japan. These “Guardian Kings” were said to have traveled with Shakyamuni Buddha, in order to act as his bodyguards.

    The one one the right (Misshaku Kongo) has his mouth open in the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet (“A”). The one on the left (Naraen Kongo) has his mouth closed, representing the last letter of the Sanskrit alphabet (“un”).

    “A-un” is generally used to represent the breadth of existence – the universe existing between the combined In-Yo opposites.

    In the west this is sometimes pronounced as the Indian “Om” or “Aum”.

    In China this is associated with Heng-Ha breathing exercises in the practice of…martial arts. There the statues are called the Heng Ha Er Jiang (哼哈二将, the two generals Heng and Ha).

    Getting back to Aikido – here’s a short tidbit from Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba:


    The martial art of Takemusu is the power of the principle of A-un breathing (kokyu)  (more…)

  • Aikido and the Floating Bridge of Heaven

    Aikido and the Floating Bridge of Heaven

    The Gods Izanagi and Izanami on the Floating Bridge of Heaven

    The Gods Izanagi and Izanami on the Floating Bridge of Heaven
    from the series “An Illustrated History of Japan” by Utagawa Hiroshige, circa 1847-1852
    Honolulu Academy of Arts

    Izanagi and Izanami on the Bridge Connecting Heaven and Earth

    The “Floating Bridge of Heaven” (“Ame no Uki Hashi”) is an important part of the Japanese creation myth.

    According to the Kojiki (“A Record of Ancient Affairs”), the first gods summoned two divine beings into existence – the male essence Izanagi (“The Male who Invites” / 伊邪那岐) and the female essence Izanami (“The Female who Invites” / 伊邪那美命). These two beings were given the task of creating the first land masses on earth. Taking the jeweled spear they were given, the two divine beings stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven and stirred the sea with the jeweled spear, creating a vortex. Drops of salty water falling from the spear formed the first island, whereupon the divine beings descended from the Bridge to the earth below.

    There’s a lot more (the Kojiki is a great tale, one of the world’s first soap operas), but for now let’s get back to how this relates to…Aikido.  (more…)

  • Aiki Budo is the Way of Human Development

    Aiki Budo is the Way of Human Development

    Sagawa Scroll

    Aiki Budo is the Way of Human Development

    The philosophy of Aikido…maybe?

    I was looking through Kisshomaru Ueshiba’s books “The Spirit of Aikido” and “The Art of Aikido” and I happened to notice that there is virtually no mention of Daito-ryu in either one. Of course, neither of them are historical works, but I thought it odd that there was no mention of the art that Morihei Ueshiba has studied for over 20 years, the only art that he was ever licensed to teach, the only art (outside of his own) in which he ever issued certificates of rank.

    OK, moving along to “Best Aikido“, written by Kisshomaru Ueshiba and Moriteru Ueshiba. In this one there is a short mention of Daito-ryu as one of the many arts that Morihei Ueshiba studied, but no mention is made of the relative depth of study of those arts – the section entirely fails to note the fact that, with the exception of Daito-ryu, all of those arts were studied for very brief periods of time.  (more…)

  • Morihei Ueshiba, Budo and Kamae

    Morihei Ueshiba, Budo and Kamae

    On Kamae, from Budo

    “Kamae” from the technical manual “Budo”

    Morihei Ueshiba 1938

    Why we don’t know how to stand up and walk.

    Standing and walking – that’s pretty basic. It’s so basic that it’s really the first thing you learn in most budo, or even in life – if anybody can remember back that far.

    Like everybody else, I received basic instructions in how to stand when I started Aikido – point the front foot forward and the back foot out at an angle. Some places break that down into a more detailed description, but that’s usually the gist of it.

    Pretty easy right? Anybody can do it – which may be the problem. If anybody can do it, and you’re doing essentially the same thing that you’ve always done…why are you spending all that time on the mat?

    “Budo” is a pre-war technical manual published in 1938 by Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba. It was originally created for Prince Kaya Tsunenori, member of a collateral branch of the imperial family. Kayanomiya would eventually become Superintendant of the Army Toyama School – where Morihei Ueshiba would act as an instructor before the war.

    “Budo” remains the largest and most organized collection of technique from the pre-war period, and an English edition (“Budo: Teachings of the Founder of Aikido“), translated by John Stevens, was published in 1991.

    A separate edition, the “Takemusu Aikido Special Edition”, translated by Sonoko Tanaka and Stanley A. Pranin, was published in 1999 (“Budo: Commentary on the 1938 Training Manual of Morihei Ueshiba“). This edition is composed of some excerpts from the Japanese text, along with a commentary by Morihiro Saito, in both English and Japanese.  (more…)

  • Aikido ™ – Can it really be trademarked?

    Aikido ™ – Can it really be trademarked?


    Reg. No.2313434, June 28, 1991 – Registered Trademark “Aikikai”

    Who’s doing Aikido, who isn’t, and who decides.

    Here’s something that caught my eye from “Best Aikido, The Fundamentals” (Kisshomaru Ueshiba Doshu and Moriteru Ueshiba Hombu Dojo-cho), which was published in 1997 as 「規範合氣道基本編」 in Japanese:


    A:確かに巷には合気会とは別に「○○合気道」と名乗っている団体が存在します。 中には、素姓の知れぬ訳の判らぬようなものもあるようです。
    しかし、開祖・植芝盛平に連ならないもの、その教えを逸脱したものは、いかに外見を似せようが、深遠そうな哲理を語ろうが、合気道ではありません。 例えば、競技試合を行っているようなものは明らかに合気道本来の姿を忘れたもので、合気道と呼ぶことはできません。

    Q:Are there different schools of Aikido?

    A:To be sure, there are many systems that claim to be “such-and-such Aikido,” even without really knowing what Aikido is. And there are some splinter groups that have been established by former students of the Founder, with a few even going so far as to introduce organized competition, something that is totally contrary to the spirit of Aikido. Regardless of how similar the techniques appear, if they are divorced from the spirit of the Founder it is not Aikido.

    We do not like to think that there are separate schools of Aikido. If we draw too many distinctions between different interpretations of the techniques, the universal character of Aikido will be degraded.  (more…)